18 November 2010

Eh-er and de Boys!

Every night at dinner, Noble insists on praying.  And every night at dinner, he thanks God for Eh-er and de Boys.  That's Ms. Heather, Mason, and Alex...and we're grateful for her big Boy, too, Mr. Andy.  Both of our kids love the Dallmeyers and would move in over there if we'd let them.  I try not to be offended when Kayci informs me that Ms. Heather is a better Mommy.  :)  I am thankful for Ms. Heather because she's always there to rescue me by picking up Kayci if I run late from Houston in addition to Wednesdays, when she keeps her while I work/have meetings after school.  She does SO MUCH for me/us in addition to her own crazy schedule, but she's still always asking, "what can I do?"  Both of us have had pretty crazy fall semesters, but we've survived so far by laughing...a lot.   I'm so glad you guys moved to Brenham, Heather...I would be lost without you!  Not just for what you "do" for me, but your friendship and the fun we all have with the boys.  :)


Heather said...

Thank you for making my day!! We would be lost without all of you too! Love you big! :)

MommyGirl said...

Love you big--the sign of someone who really knows my kids! See you after school...if he ever goes to sleep... :)