29 May 2009

Some Teacher Appreciation...

I wanted to do something to thank everyone at Kayci's school for a great Kindergarten experience, and this is one of the KinderCare staff's all-time favorite "happys" from our family, so I rolled it out again.  The note reads something about how we're "SODA-lighted" that Kayci's had a great year, blah, blah...  :)  Oh, and lest you think I'm cooler than I am, it's $1 soda, HEB brand.  I'm funny--I wanted it to say "soda" on the label AND I was too cheap to spend $30 on soda!  $11 bought me 11 6-packs, then a few bucks for ice and we were set!  Not bad when you think that's the equivalent of 66 small gifts...

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