29 May 2009

Busy Week!

Just a fun picture so you can see what I did last night at work--the girls put the table together, but it makes me so happy to see all of those bright colors and great ideas!  Our PPCD team is really coming together, and I am so excited!  Here's the rest of the display...

I know it's been a busy week (couple of weeks, year, you name it!) but it's about to come to an end.  An hour from now, Kayci will be done with Kindergarten.  A week from today, GPISD will be out for the summer (let's not talk extended contract, summer school, any of that...).  Two weeks from today a certain girl's having her first slumber party.  Three weeks from today I'll be at a workshop I've been looking forward to for months.  A month from today we'll be heading to Kansas.

But today, I just AM.  My house is a wreck, my work's in progress...but I'm going to shut it all down and just be Kayci's Mommy for a while and go to the movies with her and some friends this afternoon before we pick up Noble.  The house and work, I can do tonight.  But I can only help her have a great last day of Kindergarten once.

Thanks, Dad, for helping me be less ME this past year, and for teaching me to keep the small stuff small and the first things first.  

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