26 May 2009

It's been too long!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything in over 10 days...does that tell you how busy it's been around here?  Things won't slow down for another two weeks, but after the first week of June it should just be a normal summer...well, the new normal, anyway!  Things at work--R4 and GP--have been busy, but great.  Things at home have been busy, but great.  We just got back from a 4 day trip to Galveston...which was exactly what I needed.  For the first time since I started working online for Region 4 in August 2006, I did NOT access Blackboard while we were gone.  (Gasp!)  I know, I know...it's shocking.  I still worked on e-mails, etc. but that's nothing compared to what I usually do, so it was really a great break.

So much to say but no time to say it...I'm so excited about the way we're working as a team to improve our PPCD program, and while it's a lot of work, the payoff for our kiddos is going to be just amazing!  And I'm also excited about the projects coming down the Region 4 pike...seriously, I could work for them just about full-time if we could swing it.  It's great stuff!  It's hard sometimes, feeling guilty because I WANT to work--but I also want to be with my kids.  It's a tough balance and I know many mothers are in the same boat.  I'm grateful that I can work the way I do and that even though I work basically full time (money and time-wise), Kayci sees me as a stay-at-home Mom.  She knows that I work, but she SEES me focusing on the family and the house and that stuff...what a great thing!  We'll see how she feels after this summer...Noble will go to school a couple days a week so I can work, and Kayci will have to entertain herself a bit more on those days.  I have faith that we'll figure it out, but it may not be what she's used to.  :)  

Hmm...nothing's gelling, and I won't babble anymore.  Maybe I'll have a complete thought later!

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