15 October 2009

Blog Action Day

So, I just saw James' post about Blog Action Day. Here's my action for the day, and it's also something my favorite boy shared--the 100 mile diet. Check it out!


Cheryl said...

Now I understand your local produce question. The freshest comes from your own backyard! check out John's little side business texasediblelandscapes.com

MommyGirl said...

Is that JOHN?? Okay, so I saw the sign in your yard before you moved and wondered why you'd go to all the trouble to put in gardens and then MOVE! How funny--it's all coming together now!! I do need to call him for a quote before we rebuild our flower beds...I have been toying with the idea of guerrilla (sp?) gardening but James isn't quite on board...we'll see!
And the Kale...too greens-y for me. Yikes!
Gonna try to bake it today and see what happens.