21 February 2011

Coffee, Coffee, Everywhere...

There are coffee spots all over my kitchen, my hands look like I used self-tanner and didn't wash 'em, and I smelled instant coffee all night long in my sleep.  Crap, I just looked down and I even have coffee on my favorite Luckenbach shirt!

Why, you ask?  Because we're doing this...

Thanks to a great idea I got from this blog (thanks, me vs. the house!)...

...all for a this...

...and I'll show you more later.  Remember 2 weeks ago at Addie's party when I remembered that Noble's party was, you know, 4 weeks from that day?  Well...here we are less than 2 weeks out from his party and his invitations are just going out tomorrow.  Sigh.  I don't know how we manage to do this every stinkin' time.  I've had the kitchen reserved since early fall...the theme in my head since the summer...and party prep has been in progress for the last two weeks.  His favors are sitting in a big ol' box on my floor right now, just waiting for some gold paint (niiiiice, yes?).  And yet, at this point, 0 people are coming to the party.  We've told people about it, but it's just not the same as having an invitation stuck to your refrigerator reminding you.

Okay, enough whining.  I'm home today with a sick Bubby, but so far this morning he's fever-free.  It was just 24-hours, which is odd...no telling what's coming next.  Or maybe that's it, and it's just a little cold.  We'll see!

Crossing my fingers that Noble's well as of now...this week will be a little different and I don't have a lot of wiggle room, which is usually when someone gets sick or something happens, right?  This is my wrap-up Region 4 week, which means I'll have a full week off before the next cycle begins--hooray!  Noble and I are going in tomorrow since we have a Region 4 visit to our classrooms, which means that I'll be here on Wednesday while he's at school.  I'm sooooooo looking forward to having several hours to WORK and wrap up some Motor Lab loose ends while he's at school, and some of my co-workers are stopping in Brenham to have lunch on their way to a conference.   After school, Kayci and I are going to have a rare Mommy & Kayci date (Noble's always with me, not a bad thing, but a hard thing for a practically-only child to adjust to).  That will be fun!

The silver lining?  We had a full day planned yesterday, between church and a trip to Houston, but since Noble was sick, he had to stay home and rest.  Which meant that I was homebound, as well, which meant that while he took a marathon nap I had time to finish up some PTO work for today and get into my work closet.  I bought several sets of Sterilite drawers last week when we went to Target, and I have been dying to have time to get into my closet...but you know, when you start organizing, you make a ginormous mess.  So I wasn't planning to have time to really work on it for a while, but I couldn't pass up the deal on the drawers.  But...yesterday's unexpected day at home turned out to be a bonus day, and I got a LOT cleaned out of my closet and came up with a plan as far as what I need next.  I still have a few seasonal tubs that need to go into drawers, and I need another set of scrapbook drawers to live under the desk in my room.  (I'm so excited about scrapbooking with Kayci this summer--when I got the stuff off my closet shelf and started organizing it, it was like seeing old friends...we've got lots to work with!)  But, of course, we have wayyyyyy more than I remembered, so I need some more space to get it down and get it organized so it's ready to go when we have some time.

Speaking of scrapbooking, friends, if any of you are like me and got sucked into it but have never followed through and you have stuff you want to get rid of, let's make a deal!  I'd like circle cutters and corner cutters for sure, and I use tons of scrapbook paper for work stuff so I'm always looking for fun paper.  E-mail or call me if you have stuff to unload and clean out YOUR closet!

I hope this is going to be a great week for all of us--happy Monday!

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