30 January 2013

Quiet Time

I *try* to start each day with quiet time, when I read my devotionals, spend some time in my prayer and gratitude journals, and work on my current Bible study.  I say *try* because this morning my quiet time  didn't quite happen.  It's like that some days.  Today there was a good reason, though.  :)

Noble's been in AWANA now for a year and a half.  He learns a Bible verse each week that he attends.  This fall we bought him his own Bible (he had a KJV from his Baptism that's very special, so we were worried he'd lose it as much as he carts his Bible around).  I'm not sure when it started, but sometime this fall he got interested in what I was doing during quiet time.  We talked one day about what I was studying in Esther, so for the longest time he'd go get his Bible and say, "shh...I'm reading my Esther."

This morning at 6:02, he climbed up in Daddy's spot to tell me good morning.  He said, "happy AWANA day!  Wait, wait, I need to do my quiet time!"  So he went and got his Cubbies book, then he went and got his Bible.  I was impressed at how he recalled the stories we've studied over the past couple of months...he told me about John the Baptist, Jesus' fishermen disciples, Mary & Martha and Lazarus...he loves, loves the Bible.  I have to give St. Paul's credit, because he comes home each week and tells me all about what he learns in Chapel...they do a great job of making the Bible come to life!  
My prayer this morning is that Noble will grow to be a godly man who develops the type of relationship with the Lord where he WANTS to spend quiet time with Him each day.  I pray that he'll lead his family, take them to church--and live by the same principles all 7 days of the week, talk about God and Jesus and the Bible with his family and whoever he meets, and just live a bold life, all to the glory of God.  I pray that he'll be strong in his convictions and also quick to listen and learn.  I pray that he'll be confident but not arrogant.  I pray that James and I will be a help and not a hindrance, and raise Noble with a strong foundation of faith and family.  
I hope you'll take a quick minute to pray for our son, and for your sons, too!  :)  

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