09 September 2009

Barking at the rain...

It's raining here. Sami, God love her, is standing outside--next to her covered area. Barking. And I'm sitting here working and thinking about the dog that's so busy barking at the rain that she won't help herself and take two steps to shelter...I am reminded of too many situations and people. Today has been a very frustrating day for me professionally, and when it gets this hard I have to really step back and breathe.

But here's what I'd tell Sami, and what I wish people would understand, too: you have shelter available to you. You don't HAVE to stand in the rain, you CHOOSE to do so. And then you're barking at the rain? The rain isn't the problem, really. Look around, and find the shelter that's offered to you. Even if you do nothing more than sit a while, take a few deep breaths...maybe these simple acts will better your stress level and your situation.

Here's what I'm going to do, instead of barking at the rain: after lunch, I'm going to take time out of my work day and organize my desk(s). Then later when I need to go find a project I'm working on, I won't have to dig. It will save time and frustration.

Now, I could choose NOT to do this...and bark at my husband later about how stressed I am and how I don't have time to do my work and my desk is buried...but what would that accomplish, other than making me look like a fool and pissing him off? Nothing. And I'd still be in the same exact place where I started. So I'll go help myself here. My shelter? Organization and calm. Peace of mind. I'm ready to get out of this storm today, believe me.

Point: don't just bark at the rain. Freakin' help yourself get out of the storm. And definitely don't bark at the people who are offering shelter...I'm just saying.


Heather said...

I love your thought processes and the way you look at life. You also have such a great sense of humor! I LOVE reading your blog!

MommyGirl said...

thanks, heather! i have plans to catch up on your blog this weekend! :)