29 September 2009
g l a m o r o u s
28 September 2009
24 September 2009
Who Wooden Want These?!
Last week as we were packing up what didn't sell at the MOPS garage sale, I found these beauties. Come on, who wooden want these?! I'm thinking they'll find a home in our new flower bed...
22 September 2009
It's Scarecrow Time!
21 September 2009
Reason #4,597 I need my own office...
20 September 2009
It's been a good run...
18 September 2009
17 September 2009
Worth the drive...
14 September 2009
Slipping Through My Fingers...
And now today it all starts again...we've got a crazy busy week coming up, and there are a million opportunities, it feels, for the big kid to get lost in the shuffle. But at the same time, I have to focus on the times that I can and do focus on her...taking her to school in the mornings, taking her to work with me on Wednesday, going on her field trip Friday, fixing her hair in the mornings, reading with her in the evenings...these are all times that are just about her. I hope these are the times she remembers, and not the times that we're asking her to watch Noble for a second so he doesn't hurt himself or telling her to wait a second while we finish changing/cleaning/pulling Noble down from something.
10 September 2009
It's a Small World After All
09 September 2009
Barking at the rain...
In fairness to Complete Savings...
person's name here
Webloyalty Consumer Affairs
Complete Savings
08 September 2009
Note to Self
I wish...
07 September 2009
I did it!
06 September 2009
Time is running out...
04 September 2009
Underwear in Public
03 September 2009
Mom-me (did you hear it?)
Today, I attended my first MOPS meeting in almost 3 years. Well, technically I only missed last year, but this was the first time in years I just ATTENDED a meeting. I'm there in no leadership capacity, just as a mom who needs some "me" time, some time in fellowship, some time to reflect and learn and hopefully, emerge a better wife, mom, person.
02 September 2009
Oh, my soul...
Hands down, this is the best part of my day. I just got home from Houston (in work's defense, I did go to dinner with Mom before I drove home), and everyone's asleep. I'm hanging out, going through today's e-mails on my phone since my laptop's busy getting all Snow Leopard-ed. :). And even though I've got a lot on my plate--and even more on my mind--I'm just happy to be here...at home...on my bed...listening to my Boy sleep-breathing. All's right in my world.
-- out & about, courtesy of the wonderphone
01 September 2009
"Just Playing"
Just Playing--Anita Wadley
When I am building in the block room, please don't say I'm "just playing". For you see, I'm learning as I play, about balance and shapes. Who knows, I may be an architect someday.
When I'm getting all dressed up, setting the table, caring for the babies, don't get the idea I'm "just playing". For, you see, I'm learning as I play; I may be a mother or a father someday.
When you see me up to my elbows in paint or standing at an easel, or molding and shaping clay, please don't let me hear you say, "He is just playing". For, you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm expressing myself and being creative. I may be an artist or an inventor someday.
When you see me sitting in a chair "reading" to an imaginary audience, please don't laugh and think I'm "just playing". For, you see, I'm learning as I play. I may be a teacher someday.
When you see me combing the bushes for bugs, or packing my pockets with choice things I find, don't pass it off as "just play". For you see, I'm learning as I play. I may be a scientist someday.
When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some "plaything" at my school, please don't feel the time is wasted in "play". For, you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm learning to solve problems and concentrate. I may be in business someday.
When you see me cooking or tasting foods, please don't think that because I enjoy it, it is "just play". I'm learning to follow direction and see differences. I may be a cook someday.
When you see me learning to skip, hop, run and move my body, please don't say I'm "just playing". For, you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm learning how my body works. I may be a doctor, nurse or athlete someday.
When you ask me what I've done at school today, and I say, "I just played", please don't misunderstand me. For you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm learning to enjoy and be successful in my work. I'm preparing for tomorrow. Today, I am a child and my work is play.