24 August 2009

First Day "Back" At Work...

I've had very, very little computer time this summer, so I'm sitting here working...and blogging...and checking facebook...and "talking" to my boy. Here's a glimpse into why we work--we're still best friends, all these years later. It all started with James' blog, wishing Granddaddy Curtis a happy birthday (he'd be 85 today, and I am SO grateful to him for the man James is today!)...by the way, we used to take him pie to try to entice him to eat a bit. Not a problem for me, ahem...

girl: Granddaddy wants me to have a piece of cake for him at lunch. Well, he said PIE, but I doubt Ernie's will have pie, so I'll take one for the team. Happy birthday, Granddaddy! :)

boy: Pie, huh? Are you SURE it wasn't your grandma you were listening to???

girl: Um...well, it's 6 years yesterday that SHE died, so if she wants me to have some pie for her, I guess I'd better. Crap, that's a lot of pressure. What if they have cake AND pie?

boy: silly old girl.

girl: you wouldn't have me any other way. except, perhaps, skinny. but i'll get there. i bought 2 magazines with my blow money today--one was "shape." :)

boy: I don't want you to get all buff like some of those ladies in Shape. You'll kick my ass!

girl: dude, i could kick your ass now. and i just laughed so hard, spit flew out of my mouth. sexy, right?

boy: niiiiiiice...

girl: yeah, baby. and all YOURS!

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