13 August 2009

Crazy Dream!

Last night I ended up sleeping on the couch (I know...) with the girls. For some reason, I had crazy, vivid dreams--on par with our pregnancy ginger snap dreams. A few things that stuck with me...
--shopping at Randall's, which used to be Randall's but is now the Administration Building but was back to Randall's in my dream

--thinking about a friend from college who told me I had a choice--I could live to work, or work to live. I lived to work at that time and for several years after, but I never forgot that and think of it whenever I get too into my work...

--looking through a doorway and seeing my Dad, but seeing him with his crazy 70's hair when he was my age. I knew that I was looking at him as he was in the past, but it just made me happy to see him.

--in my dream, I was sleeping on my couch with Keely and Reagan, and for some reason I'd taken my jewelry off and laid it on top of the blanket. When I put it back on in the morning, I was wearing my Grandma's diamond ring (that I don't wear anymore) on my right hand and 2 rings that didn't belong to me, and I was missing my 2 rings. It was so weird! One of the rings had a purple stone, so in my dream I thought, this must be Teresa's.

--weirdest thing: at the store, I was shopping for lunch for a teacher friend. There was one package of bacon left, and it was on a conveyor belt moving up and away from me. As I was trying to get to it, a commercial came on. It was the Fiesta lady, and she was selling that particular bacon (marked por platanos) for the bacon and banana dish I was supposed to be making. The funniest part? In the commercial, she made a joke about why people needed to buy that particular cut of bacon...she said, "unless you went to college and can make a perfect meringue on your bacon every time." What?! I don't know how ANY of those things go together, but I think it's funny.

Alrighty, I've been up since 4:30 messing with work stuff for today, messing with Noble, getting dressed...time to get back to it. He woke up TOO early today, so we'll see if I can get anything else accomplished this morning. :) Have a great day!

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