12 July 2012

What's Going On...

I stink at taking time to sit down and blog about our summer. So, I'll just show you. Ready? I've made a few shirts for Lynn...

...spent a few hours at the library...

...gone dancing, and learned that the Dale Watson hype is all true...

...enjoyed time in the kitchen with the kids (and eaten out less than I have in yeeeeeeeears)...

...been praying about t-shirt equipment, and if I'm ready for the next step (selling them--yikes!)...

...spent an afternoon on the lake with one of our favorite families...

...had a little fun with Austin...

...been involved with two Bible studies that both speak to what's on my mind...I'm listening!

James cleaned the pictures off my phone, or I'd go on. Right now...

...a very tired Bubby is napping in my room, and two tired big girls are enjoying some TV after cooking lunch for everyone. (Tonight they're making banana split pie, and tomorrow's breakfast menu is Grandma's donut muffins). Me? I'm fighting a headache, trying to decide what to do next. What's that, you say? Why, I just might. Do nothing for a change. :)

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