20 January 2009

This is the life...

So, I skipped Bible Study today so I could work on my project (due tomorrow, if you're keeping track).  Things were going great...Noble put himself to sleep on the way home from dropping Kayci off and running a couple of mini-errands, we were home by 8:15 and it was looking very promising.  For 45 minutes I ran around and got ready to work (I'm Kristi, so that meant I had to finish the things I'd started yesterday/this morning, clean a bit, clear the pile of things to file off the desk...) and then, about 2 minutes away from actually sitting down to work...he woke up.  So much for my 3 hour nap day (we're due, darn it!) theory...

Now I'm sitting on the couch, he's just gone back to sleep, all cuddled up beside me doing that sweet little baby snore/sigh thing...too amazing a moment to be frustrated.  I'll get my work done, but I'll never get this moment back.  It's taken me years to really GET that, and I do forget it at times and get impatient...but what a gift.  

Ooh, status report for Brenda before I go...

1.  I am so keeping up with my Bible Study!  (It's all about parenting, so very helpful AND uplifting!)  Our bathroom mirror is littered with verses from my study and verses Kayci's learning for Awana.  :)

2.  I have been blessed with a reduced appetite--sounds so stupid, but seriously, it was hard to go back to FEELING hungry all of the time.   I keep a food diary and that's really made me think--literally--about every bite I put into my mouth, weigh drinking water vs. something with calories, etc.  It's helped a LOT...that, and I'm eating healthier for the most part.  Not perfectly, because that's just not me.  :)

3.  And lastly, I have checked out yoga classes here and sadly, there are none for me.  But, I did meet Lauren yesterday and she helped me pick out a yoga DVD, so I will be starting yoga SOON.  Maybe tomorrow...right now I need to focus on the project I'm not actually doing as I'm blogging...hmm.

4.  So yes, we're fine in '09, girlfriend!

1 comment:

brenduh said...

Thanks for the update!! You go girl!! I have been keeping a food diary, too. I haven't had a COKE (my drink of choice) in over a week. It has too much sugar. And well I don't need it. It is amazing to see what we eat on paper. Yay, for taking time to enjoy your moment with Noble!! Oh, and I found a DVD that is Hip Hop inspired. So, I am going to workout to it when I don't have boot camp. FuN! We are doing this!! And it feels good. Let me know how you like the yoga DVD. Keep me posted! Talk to you soon! :)