11 January 2009

My Big Redneck Wedding

It's been a long day--a great day, but a long day nonetheless.  Noble's either getting sick or getting a tooth...either way, he's been very fussy and clingy.  After I put them down tonight I got a burst of energy and got a LOT accomplished--for my reward, I'm sitting on the couch now watching "My Big Redneck Wedding" on the laptop.   Apparently we missed a whole season somewhere...I just watched the first episode, and it was the sweetest brother-sister wedding I've ever seen.  Yup.  This is why reality TV is so bad for me...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

wow - that's sad on so many levels lol!!! What's even sadder - we have that same show TVod and I'm not sure why??? Grace much be watching it late at night :) love ya lady!