After a year of telling people I'm 42, I really am.
I told my Boy that this year I should tell everyone I'm 41 (since I apparently skipped that one) and then next year I can just turn 43. Seems very Kristi-like, right?
My birthday was AWESOME this year! Thank you all for the birthday love--I am still working on responding to Facebook notes. I got some of the cutest texts, too--y'all know me so well. Amanda sent this fun cat--it's a keeper!

Birthday donuts have been a tradition since I was 21, thanks to Lynn. The kids and I *LIVE* for Shipley days, so it was fun that we got to do birthday Shipley donuts this year!

It was cold on Sunday, y'all. James Pharaon made us layer up. We had several discussions about wearing warm socks, and he was very grumpy with my sock choice. I told him that for someone who doesn't WEAR socks, any socks would be considered warm. He didn't follow my logic. But that's okay--my outfit was solid.
Riding the Metro train is always fun--we hadn't been on it for a few years. If you visit Houston, I highly recommend it. It's even easy for those of us who are directionally-challenged!
Astrodome selfie. Still pretty wonderful in our eyes.

Before we sat down, we walked around the stadium and showed the kids the sights. The players' parking lot was a big hit, and James had fun explaining the tailgaters to the knuckleheads.

I forgot to tell you--Sunday was Battle Red Day, so we all got free t-shirts. Thanks, Halliburton!
Like the good Texans fan he is, James had us in our seats for pre-game.
Noble was fascinated by the Susan B. Anthony coins we got
as change when we bought our train tickets.

Toasty nuts are one of my all-time favorite foods. The kids were concerned that I wasn't having a birthday dessert on Sunday, but I assured them that this surprise from Daddy was exactly right for me. He gets me. :)

Santa IS a Texans fan!
The people watching at the game was fun. My favorite people to watch was this guy on the sidelines. I have never been less than impressed with JJ Watt--to see him on the sidelines during the game was to see a man in his element. Well, almost, because he wasn't in uniform on the field. It's hard to explain his body language, but you could tell he wanted to be out there helping his team. Take heart, girls--good men are out there.

We totally staged this one because James always falls asleep on the couch when they watch Texans games after church. ALWAYS.

It took me a minute to realize what was happening after everything settled down. That's a group of players from both teams, praying together after the game. That made my heart so happy.

Escalators up...walk down. It was still fun!

I love Kayci's face in this picture.

I love our family of four more than words can say.
I don't want to be cliche and say how blessed I am...but how can I not?
I know what matters.
People matter.
And I, my friends, and people-rich. :)
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