07 June 2012

Happy summer!

Today is our 3rd official day of summer (I had to work until Monday).  :)  Our kids have been patiently waiting...Noble's been out of school for over 2 weeks, Kayci for over a week.  Once we drove out of Houston on Monday, the 3 of us were READY for summer, and all that that entails...

We usually celebrate summer with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's (ahem...now their website says Chuck E. Cheese and the restaurants still say Cheese's...how confusing!).  We went on Tuesday to celebrate our first "real" day of summer.  It was fun...until we realized Daddy & I ate something from the salad bar that was questionable.  Ugh.  I'm glad to say by Wednesday morning I was feeling human again--think we got lucky this time!

Does anyone else love these goofy sketch pictures?  We have a ton of them, and they make me smile!  I love James' joy in the last one...

And of course, to the kids, summer = swimming!  We've enjoyed swimming at the country club this year.  Now that the kids are bigger, they want to swim more than splash, so that's why we switched.  And we get to hang out with the Dallmeyers, so that's a bonus!

We're still working on a summer schedule, you know--the rhythm of the day.  On days when we swim early, the kids end up showering or bathing before lunch, after nap...you just never know when someone's going to be naked around here.  And the bathwater's purple, not gray....just realized that!

Kayci picked up the HEB magazine earlier this week and found several recipes she wanted to try.  Her first attempt at their pasta salad was pretty good...but Mom's spaghetti salad is still better, HEB.  Sorry!

Summer around here means breakfast outside.  Noble wasn't hungry, yet, when Daddy and I ate...but right after, he wanted to take his cereal outside.  He sat there for a good 20 minutes singing to himself and munching away.  It made me smile.  :)

Today was the first day of our new Bible Study at Champion.  I have not been in the Word like I should be...I tend to either be good at quiet time, or be good at being healthy--I haven't done both well in the past.  But, it's time to balance...so I'm ready to get to it.  I love me some Beth Moore, and I have to say that I walked out of the first session a bit stunned--she hit the nail on the head with what James and I are struggling with right now, family-wise.  God's sense of humor?

I was going to share this in a different post, but I think it'll definitely be playing a big role in my summer plans:  look what came in the mail today!  James surprised me by buying this with one of his freelance checks.  He loves me big!  (And I'm so grateful...I cannot WAIT to play with this baby!)

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