21 June 2010


(Yep, this is an old picture...old flower beds!)

I know we were only away one night, but I'm sitting here this morning just thinking...man, it's good to be home! Granted, the clean house we came home to is now a bit worse for the wear with the ginormous load of crap that came out of the car, and Bubby was so happy to be home he spread toys all over the living room...but it's still good to be home, to have slept in MY bed (I must be getting old, that I don't sleep well anywhere else and cannot WAIT to get back to my bed and my white sheets...), and to know that the only place I *have* to go today is the grocery store. The kids and I were supposed to go to Sheridan today, but I just can't do that to any of us...after marathon birthday weekend, we're all exhausted. And there's no way Nobley can do 4 hours in the car today, even if it means logging several hours in the pool with friends. :)

It's a big week for me this week, work-wise. Last big push, then July will be much slower and then of course August will start fast & furious with the PPCD team as we head into the new school year. This week I will finish my LaPorte contract (Hooray! Although they're a great group of ladies and I will miss that part...) and I must, must complete the ELA course which is slated to roll out to the first group next week (yikes!). I don't know how I'm going to get there from here and still make sure the kids have a great week, but I know it will all work out. (Here's a clue: so far, this summer, we have NOT been great about turning the TV off. And I'm praying they'll watch a movie this morning so I can buy an extra hour of work time!)

I asked James to wake me up at 4 this morning and he did. And I had a cup of coffee, and it was good. But I'm still sitting here, NOT working, an hour later. Sigh. :) So much for getting a couple of hours of work in while the kids are still asleep. I'm having a hard time getting motivated this morning...perhaps a rare 2nd cup of coffee is in order.

Hmm...to backtrack, Kayci's birthday party was awesome, and we got to see old friends and new friends and all 5 cousins. :) I think Kayci had an amazing birthday, and I think she thinks so, too, more importantly. I really liked the movie theater party (great price, great service, not so much work!). Her cake from Brenham Olde Towne Bakery was absolutely perfect--and even better, it tasted GREAT! Friday was lots of fun. Saturday we saw James' Dad to celebrate Father's Day a day early (and of course he took Kayci to Justice for her birthday, so she was a happy and very fancy!, girl) and then went to hang out with Mom. Saturday was Mom & Dad's 45th wedding anniversary, and the 2nd anniversary he wasn't here to celebrate with her. It was a good day, though. Kayci and I were going to go to Gracie's dance recital but we were running so late, we were on our way to dinner when the recital was supposed to start and so we missed it. (Can't wait to see pics, Mandy!) Yesterday we had a low-key Father's Day, which was just about right. James and I got to make a solo trip to Target, and it was fun to be able to just wander through the store and actually LOOK at stuff and not have to talk the entire time (sit down, put it back...) or worry about keeping track of little bodies. :) I love, love my kids...but shopping without them is a big ol' treat. After lunch we went to the Galleria to get new iphone cases (don't even ask...they no longer make the hard Julius cases and I'm just SAD) and then we went to visit Great Grandma Curtis' new apartment. It's in a great community, and we're happy for her. Then we headed home and James suggested pizza to round out our weekend of eating crap. I think I fell asleep right after my 2nd slice...and slept in the chair until bedtime. :) All in all, it was a great weekend. But...it's good to be...

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